intimate honest.

educational vulnerable.


a radiant life w/ lisa o’ connor

In this Podcast interview with the incredible Lisa O’ Connor, founder of A RADIANT LIFE, we dig into so many topics, including how I started dancing at a young age and the deep calling it continued to have in my life, the nature of movement and dance, getting to know yourself on a deep level, building confidence, the energetics of jealousy and how to move through it, how we are all unique and how to enhance our natural essence, how to connect deeper to ourselves and our body, the power of listening to your calling and following your dreams, and so much more. 

matcha mornings

A lively talk with Christina, founder of the platform MATCHA MORNINGS about body connection, dance and authentically expressing yourself — this interview is in German.

grenzenlos — dein tanzpodcast

This is for my dancers — in this episode I share my story on how I was capable of pursuing a career as a professional dancer after a 10 year gap, the importance of Quality over Quantity in your training and how your personal goals can only be reached with the right mentality.

blogposts / articles

amazonen magazin

An honest review — The lovely Nina, co-founder of Amazonen Magazin shares her experience of a 1-1 Dance Session with me and why dance is the key to higher Selfawareness.



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