“ Choosing to be guided by Sophie has been the best decision of my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. ” — SARAH, NURSE

“ Sophie changed my whole mindset and guided me through my toughest times and I am beyond grateful for that. “I say this with love - if you don't take what she has to offer, you are definitely missing out.”AYRA, SOMATIC PRACTITIONER

“ The 1-1 Session with Sophie has opened a huge portal for my. My everyday life all of a sudden started to feel like paradise. A few days after our Session a wave of lightness has entered my life. Opening up to so deeply to Sophie has been one of the most beautiful and courageous experiences. The tools and wisdom I got to take with me continue to help me even 2 months after to find back to my most authentic and fulfilled self every day. ” — JANA, NURSING STUDENT & DANCER

“ Mit Sophie zu arbeiten ist jedes Mal aufs Neue eine Bereicherung. Sie hat mir geholfen ganz neue Seiten an mir zu entdecken. Ihre Worte sind wie ein Leitfaden - augenöffnend, unterstützend und wegweisend. ” — DENISE, RECEPTIONIST & MODEL

“ My experience with Sophie has changed my perception of myself. As a sensitive soul this has improved my confidence over time, and even after completing the course, I can still feel my progress months later. Sophie’s empathetic personality, combined with her strong and comforting feminine energy, made it so easy for me to open up and actively work on my Confidence. “ — TESSA, STUDENT & MODEL