my story

my story

After working as a dancer in my teens, being on big stages in Austria and Germany, i took a 10-year break from dancing and chose a career path in Marketing, Design & Social Media. After living in Germany, England and Austria, gaining work experience in different companies, i felt my passion for dance coming back. Following my purpose and inner voice i decided to quit my job and move to Copenhagen and later Los Angeles to pursue a career as a professional dancer. My dance journey was, in many ways, a journey to selflove.  After years in an industry that is lead by comparison, body shaming and judgement I healed myself from everything I experienced. I went through depression, tears and pain, until I finally found myself as a Woman and discovered my beauty and uniqueness and how to use it in this world. And I fell in love with myself. I now dedicate my life to coaching Women to rise to their dream selves, allowing them to free themselves from all the self-doubt, insecurities and hatred against their bodies - through unique Dance, Mind & Soul Work.

let me do the same for you

My dance journey was, in many ways, a journey to selflove.  After years in an industry that is lead by comparison, body shaming and judgement I healed myself from everything I experienced. I now dedicate my life to guiding Women to rise to their most radiant selves.

In 2019 I said goodbye to society’s expectations about me and started following my dream. My dream of loving myself and putting myself first. My dream of feeling beautiful, free and good within my body. My dream of rising to the most radiant version of myself. All along the way I realised that the only way of achieving a life of fulfillment is to be nothing but your most authentic and true self. I’ve undergone deep Healing and a long journey of Self-Discovery. And all my decisions and the personal work have allowed my huge transformation. To arrive within myself and my body. I was a Woman who desperately wanted to love herself and build a life and relationships so beautiful she can’t wait to wake up to every day! And that’s exactly what I did. Let me show you the way to it.

dancer creatress

confidence femininity embodiment

In 2019 me and my partner Oskar Hula founded THE SPACE, a independent dance initiative in Vienna that creates a truly safe space your aspiring dancers.